what's up brother (sambil bergaya ala rapper tapi g kesampaian),sore2 gini aku mengunjungi sebuah situs yang sedang ada tags yang paling disukai oleh semua pengunjung.Yah meskipun aku g tau seberapa tingkat keberhasilan tags itu,tapi lumayan klo bisa ningkatin
alexa kita.Berikut ini 100 tags
kesukaan ala technorati :
* Apple
* Art
* Art and Photography
* Blog
* Blogging
* Blogroll
* Blogs
* books
* Business
* Celebrities
* Christmas
* Culture
* Current Affairs
* Design
* Diary
* dreams and the supernatural
* Education
* Entertainment
* Environment
* events
* Family
* fashion
* Film
* Food
* Football
* Friends
* Fun
* Funny
* Games
* goals, plans, hopes
* Google
* hobbies
* Home
* Humor
* Internet
* iPhone
* Iraq
* jobs, work, careers
* Life
* Links
* Linux
* Love
* Marketing
* Media
* Microsoft
* Mobile
* MobLog
* Movie
* Movies
* movies, tv, celebrities
* mp3
* Music
* Myspace
* News
* News and politics
* parties and nightlife
* PC
* People
* Personal
* photo
* Photography
* Photos
* Pictures
* Podcast
* Poetry
* Politics
* Quiz
* random
* Religion
* Religion and Philosophy
* Reviews
* Romance and Relationships
* School
* school, college, greek
* Science
* Shopping
* software
* Sport
* Sports
* Survey
* Tech
* technology
* Television
* thoughts
* Travel
* travel and places
* TV
* Video
* Videos
* Web
* web 2.0
* Weblog
* Windows
* wordpress
* Work
* Writing
* Writing and poetry
* youtube
Ayo teman2 segera bikin postingan mengenai tags tersebut,saya aja juga belum.heheheheheh
lets do it now,tunggu apalagi?tunggu boker?atau yang lain??
Just kidding men,girl,bro,sis,dan siapapun yang baca ini postingan
kesukaan ala technorati :
* Apple
* Art
* Art and Photography
* Blog
* Blogging
* Blogroll
* Blogs
* books
* Business
* Celebrities
* Christmas
* Culture
* Current Affairs
* Design
* Diary
* dreams and the supernatural
* Education
* Entertainment
* Environment
* events
* Family
* fashion
* Film
* Food
* Football
* Friends
* Fun
* Funny
* Games
* goals, plans, hopes
* hobbies
* Home
* Humor
* Internet
* iPhone
* Iraq
* jobs, work, careers
* Life
* Links
* Linux
* Love
* Marketing
* Media
* Microsoft
* Mobile
* MobLog
* Movie
* Movies
* movies, tv, celebrities
* mp3
* Music
* Myspace
* News
* News and politics
* parties and nightlife
* PC
* People
* Personal
* photo
* Photography
* Photos
* Pictures
* Podcast
* Poetry
* Politics
* Quiz
* random
* Religion
* Religion and Philosophy
* Reviews
* Romance and Relationships
* School
* school, college, greek
* Science
* Shopping
* software
* Sport
* Sports
* Survey
* Tech
* technology
* Television
* thoughts
* Travel
* travel and places
* TV
* Video
* Videos
* Web
* web 2.0
* Weblog
* Windows
* wordpress
* Work
* Writing
* Writing and poetry
* youtube
Ayo teman2 segera bikin postingan mengenai tags tersebut,saya aja juga belum.heheheheheh
lets do it now,tunggu apalagi?tunggu boker?atau yang lain??
Just kidding men,girl,bro,sis,dan siapapun yang baca ini postingan
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